A Few Bad Oranges

Event Date
Dignity/Seattle volunteers sorting oranges
Over 14 pallets of oranges ready for distribution

A few bad oranges but over 15,000 pounds of edible oranges saved for distribution to food banks in Western Washington.  Four Dignity/Seattle members together with 26 volunteers working the evening shift at the Food Lifeline warehouse on Tuesday, April 2nd sorted through 22 large bins of oranges to discard any mushy or moldy product.  The remaining were placed in banana boxes which were then placed on pallets, wrapped, and labeled making the over 14 pallets ready for delivery the next morning.  Together as a team the Dignity members enjoyed working with the appreciative and dedicated Food Lifeline staff as well as volunteers from other organizations.  Our team is looking forward to returning the first Tuesday of June and welcome additional Dignity members and friends to join in this worthwhile charitable endeavor.